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1997 volume 24(4) pages 527 – 548

Cite as:
Verhoef E, Nijkamp P, Rietveld P, 1997, “Tradeable permits: their potential in the regulation of road transport externalities” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 24(4) 527 – 548
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Tradeable permits: their potential in the regulation of road transport externalities

E Verhoef, P Nijkamp, P Rietveld

Received 6 November 1996; in revised form 12 November 1996

Abstract. In this paper the possibilities of using tradeable permits in the regulation of road transport externalities are explored. After discussing the theory of tradeable permits and some practical applications, we will identify a number of potentially promising applications of their usage for coping with road transport externalities. These include applications on the demand side (user oriented) and on the supply side (automobile and fuel industry).


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