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2009 volume 41(11) pages 2576 – 2594

Cite as:
Catungal J P, Leslie D, 2009, “Placing power in the creative city: governmentalities and subjectivities in Liberty Village, Toronto” Environment and Planning A 41(11) 2576 – 2594
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Placing power in the creative city: governmentalities and subjectivities in Liberty Village, Toronto

John Paul Catungal, Deborah Leslie

Received 14 August 2008; in revised form 22 January 2009

Abstract. In this paper we analyze the making of Liberty Village as a creative hub in inner-city Toronto. We focus on the role of property developers and the Liberty Village Business Improvement Association in fostering the area’s internal economic geography. Drawing on the literature on governmentality, we dissect how the production of a place identity requires both the production of new subjectivities and the exclusion of alternative actors and understandings of organization within the district.

This article has supplementary online material: Colour figures

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