Congratulations to Olivia Bina, who has won this year’s Bennett Prize for the best paper published in 2013. See her paper here, and read a short acceptance piece in the current issue: Winner of the Bennett Prize
New: EPC submissions system
All submissions to the journal should now be made through the ScholarOne Manuscripts system. New author instructions can be found here.
Current editors’ choice:
Exploring corporate lobbyists’ perceptions of prospective coalition partners in Brussels
Andrew Barron, Peter Hultén
ISI Web of Knowledge Impact Factor 2013: 1.220
ISI Web of Knowledge 5-Year Impact Factor 2013: 1.463
ISI Journal Citation Reports Ranking: 15/46 (Public Administration category)
SCImago Journal Ranking: 23/113 (Q1, Public Administration category)
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy is a research-driven, fully refereed international journal that seeks to advance scholarly debates on the governance of a wide range of issues which sit at the interface between the economy, society, and the environment. It welcomes papers which address the most important theoretical, methodological, and/or empirical aspects of these issues, often from a multidisciplinary perspective.
Since its founding in 1983, EPC has published many agenda-defining papers in areas such as sustainable development, the decentralisation of the state, environmental governance, regional economic development, and urban planning. These and other topics are inherently cross-cutting. Papers published on them have demonstrated that it is only by combining disciplinary perspectives—including political science, geography, public policy, sociology, and public administration—that their causes and consequences can be fully elucidated.
EPC has a global circulation and a global coverage, embracing developed, emerging, and transitional states. Papers from Asia, the Americas, and the emerging world are strongly encouraged, as are those which offer a comparative perspective (ie, across policy areas and/or jurisdictions). The journal actively promotes excellent case-study analyses that demonstrate wider international relevance through, for example, significantly advancing wider theoretical, analytical, and methodological debates.
EPC regularly publishes theme (or ‘special’) issues on cross-cutting topics which are especially relevant to issues of government, governance, and policy. The Managing Editors welcome proposals (see “Proposing a theme issue”), decisions on which to publish are normally made at the February and July editorial meetings each year.
The editors aim to reach an initial decision on all submitted manuscripts within three months. They are willing to offer informal feedback to authors on the relevance of their manuscripts prior to submission.
ISSN 0263-774X (print) 1472-3425 (electronic)