Welcome to the Environment and Planning A website

New: EPA submissions system

All submissions to the journal should now be made through the ScholarOne Manuscripts system. New author instructions can be found here and also on the submissions website.

Environment and Planning A is an interdisciplinary journal focused on the interface of human geography, environmental studies, and urban and regional research. Innovation—whether theoretical, methodological, or in some other way—is a priority for the journal. The editors are committed to publishing influential and agenda-setting papers of high quality that tackle questions of significance for social science and society at large. To that end, Environment and Planning A is defined by its embrace of a wide array of theories, methods, and approaches. International in scope, readership, and outlook, the journal aims to publish work with scholarly impact across a broad disciplinary and intellectual front.

Environment and Planning A is rigorously peer-reviewed. Submitted papers should be less than the equivalent of 9,500 words in length, including provision for tables and figures. Papers are selected for review if they seek to advance theoretical and/or methodological development, in addition to their empirical contribution. Guidelines for manuscripts are here:

The journal also publishes tightly integrated and forward-looking theme issues (typically, collections of between 3 and 9 papers, plus an editorial introduction), which are also subject to peer review. Guidelines for submitting theme-issue proposals are here:

In addition to regular academic papers, Environment and Planning A publishes shorter commentaries (normally less than the equivalent of 3,000 words in length), which address issues and debates of topical concern in the field. Commentaries are reviewed by the editorial team. Guidelines for submitting commentaries are here:

Environment and Planning A does not publish single book reviews, but we welcome proposals for book-review symposia (involving several commentators, typically with a response from the book’s author) and for longer book-review essays (normally up to 5,000 words in length). Review essays and symposia may also be commissioned by the editors.

Environment and Planning A regularly publishes featured graphics, which should be submitted to our ScholarOne site. Guidelines for featured graphics are here:

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